GOBRO CON | About Us
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About Us

More than 30 years as industry leaders in commercial/municipal construction and Landscaping.

Gobro Con Inc. offers quality services to help our clients bring their project to life. Whether it is Project Management, General Contracting, or Commercial/Municipal Landscaping, the Gobro Con Inc. team welcomes every challenge and is ready to serve our clients with professionalism throughout the GTA and surrounding regions. Our relationships are the core of our work, and we strive to build and maintain trust and a collaborative approach with every individual client. Gobro Con Inc. operates under the mantra that every client is unique and therefore every project should be treated as such. We maintain frequent and open communication with our clients to ensure we are delivering the best results for their unique requirements.

The Foundation of Gobro Con Inc. is exceptional Project Management and Quality Engineering. When  combined with our core values you can rest assured that your project will be both cost controlled, time-efficient, and built to specifications. Call us today to get started.

Meet our Team

Luca Gobbato


P: 905-487-0281 ext. 201
F: 905-790-1914
E: [email protected]

Gina Gobbato

Office Manager

P: 905-487-0281 ext. 200
F: 905-790-1914
E: [email protected]
